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'Beautiful Oblivion' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.
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This track was supported by generous Patreons: Achim Lammers, Adhi Hargo, Alexander McHardy, Amany Badawy, Amman Abid, Amy Won, Andrew Venus, Caleb Levesque, Carrie Husband, Chiffmonkey, Commander Applejack, Coraille en Voyage, C S Williams, Cubicle Dexter,Dave Starr, Dean Thompson, Fallen, Fernando Blazquez Aguado, Gilles, Greville Oh, Harith Alshuwaykh, Ismael Sola Unzu, Jaroslav Bengl, Jasiek Vetulani, Jesus Abancens Tejero, John le Bon, John Martinous, Jonathan West, Julia Poturay, JulienD, Justin Hawley, Kaj Suominen, Keith Walker, Kennith Nichol, Kyle Lapthorne, Leslie Gideon, Longhauler, Lou Marich, Marina Dragun, Mark Diaz, Mark Templeton, Matt Cowart, Matthew Moran, Michael Tucker, Olek Petro, Orkenspalter TV, Patrek Gill, Patrick McGrath, Pierre, proxcent, Rob Tran, Rene Mitchell-Lambert, Rob Tran, Robbo Stew, Roman Herasymenko, Rony Fgl, Sam Moore, Stephen W Jenks, Stephen Roberts, Tanja, Postandfly, The Popcast, Tim McGhee, Todd D’Arcy, Tommy Zamberlan, Tough Soles, Vaggelis Papantoniu, Vakoryn, Yolanda Torres...
… and this month’s new patrons: Kat Gray, LPR Presents, Nic Higham and nokola.
And also thanks to my gang of Twitch subscribers: bradjerkins, chiffmonkey, cmdr_bishi, cortexreader, cruisingthewaterways, effane, gundalfvn, gustavph, horseradish_power, jvetulani, kennithnichol, le_paul_, mandythephilomath, manyangels, naomithinksit, nunohflores, oldboyuk, proxcent, samtheman11414, streamings, supernab and zoliarte.Thanks for watching!
Je suis réalisateur je voudrais vous remercier de ce que vous faite je travail sur un film sur l histoire de la bière en Suisse c’est vraiment bien ce que vous faite encore merci
This is absolutly fantastic music. New, fresch and build new fantastic world in my head. Bravo Scott this is amazing project and I wisch you stay to your imagination :):)
Hello I am Korean. I found out while looking for music to match the video. I am going to use MP3 by specifying the source when making a content video.
I’m just starting out, making videos mainly on space related and mystery themes. It is a little insufficient, but I hope you will be interested. I will hear you often. Thank you.
As you can imagine, giving away music for free has its financial drawbacks. So if you find yourself using or enjoying my music - consider making a donation.
Interested in seeing how I make my music? I stream three days a week, composing music in all genres from epic orchestral to ambient pop. Follow me over at
What a fantastic music.
Thank you for being royalty free
Je suis réalisateur je voudrais vous remercier de ce que vous faite je travail sur un film sur l histoire de la bière en Suisse c’est vraiment bien ce que vous faite encore merci
This is absolutly fantastic music. New, fresch and build new fantastic world in my head. Bravo Scott this is amazing project and I wisch you stay to your imagination :):)
Hello I am Korean. I found out while looking for music to match the video. I am going to use MP3 by specifying the source when making a content video.
I’m just starting out, making videos mainly on space related and mystery themes. It is a little insufficient, but I hope you will be interested. I will hear you often. Thank you.
Thank you Scott! this music stimulates the imagination!