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'Chasing Daylight' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au
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This track was supported by generous Patreons:
Ãlvaro Gracia Montoya, Achim Lammers, Adhi Hargo, Ahmad Dugas, Alexander McHardy, Amman Abid, Amy Won, Andres Medecigo, Andrew Venus, Benoit Arbelot, CactusPuppy, Caleb Levesque, CBH Podcast, Chiffmonkey, Claudio Osorio, Coraille en Voyage, Cubicle Dexter, Dan G, Daneen Shea Durrant, Dave Epstein, Fallen, Fernando Blazquez Aguado, FreakishlyKing, Frederic Eger, Geoffrey Cranenburgh, Gilles, Harith Alshuwaykh, Isa Cienfuegos, Ismael Sola Unzu, Jan Vetulani, Jaroslav Bengl, Jeff Hellerman, Jeffrey Scott Longmore, Jens Braun, Jesus Abancens Tejero, Joel Svensson, John le Bon, John Martinous, Jonathan West, Joseph Bailey, JulienD, Justin Hawley, Kaj Suominen, Keith Walker, Kennith Nichol, Leslie Gideon, Longhauler, Lou Marich, LPR Presents, Михаил Дудин, Marina Dragun, Mark Templeton, Matt Cowart, Matthew Moran, Matthias Weiss, Michael Schaffeld, Morten Clausen, N9 Gaming, Newhorizon New, Nic Higham, nokola, Olek Petro, Oliver Beckert, Orkenspalter TV, Patrek Gill, Patrick McGrath, Pierre, proxcent, Rachel McIntyre, Rob Tran, Robbo Stew, Robert Hall, Roman Herasymenko, Rony Fgl, Sam Moore, Scott McCallum, Sisk S’jet, Stephen W Jenks, Stewart Roberts,Postandfly, The Popcast, Tim McGhee, Todd D’Arcy, Tommy Zamberlan, Tough Soles, Vaggelis Papantoniu, Vinicius Watzl, Wayne Huang, and Yolanda Torres.
And also thanks to my gang of Twitch subscribers:
3pickle, alleya, angelosspinoulasmusic, allistairmitchell, badgey, bobbystmute, cactus_puppy, cardioparty, cassanax, chiffmonkey, chriscaw, craigreeves1230, cruisingthewaterways, danedrop, dibbz_on_dat, dynamixboon, effane, ennbrc, ezra_nabali, fusiongames1337, gusto_, heavyacekiller, hexd0t, horseradish_power, human_usb, jannickdamkvist, jvetulani, kennithnichol, khmnoosh, ladyladria, le_paul_, mandythephilomath, minibuspug, monolithicfishx, nunohflores, orgelon, patrikcomposer, pcvprod, proxcent, richmwhitfield, rjcrodrigues, saltysaintman, sisksjet, sister_perish, streamings, thebobwalker, thenricus, trumpetofdeath, vectorz3r0, vf2chester, villadallet, xxskinny_pancakexx and yowakeem. Thanks for watching! |
Thanks! btw: the filename for ‘chasing daylight’ appears to be ‘where stars fall’ > I renamed it before moving into the folder with the rest of your wonderful tunes.
Thanks for letting me know! I’ve changed it now 😀
Amazing! I hope you don’t mind me using these songs with my elementary school class as writing inspiration music.
Love it! what software do you use to make your music! you should do some tutorials, I have a lot of ideas for create music but I don’t know how to produce them.
Thanks Ana! I primarily use Cakewalk as my DAW, but a range of different sample libraries for my sounds – East West Hollywood Orchestra, NI Komplete, Spitfire Audio, and Performance Samples. I’m working on some tutorials at the moment! I will hopefully start releasing some onto my YouTube Channel over the next couple of months :D.
your musics are gifts from heaven.
HI! Wonderful musics, thanks for let us join it
Lillian from Brazil
Excelente trabajo Scott. Lo bajé para incluirlo en un vídeo, pero me lo he puesto entre la música que escucho también.
Gracias por compartirlo
thankyou sir for this beautiful art
Scott blown away thank you using it for an independent documentary in Sydney will credit you for sure.
Hi Scott! You compose really great music and we were blown away with it. I loved so much, and I hope you don´t mind, as I did a shortened version for the intro to my Podcast: Los Críticos y el Sillón Perdido, and also the full versión of Bring Me The Sky for the closing of it. Of course I’m giving the corresponding credit (but in spanish)
Hey Scott, I listen to this piece of beauty every day while working. It is just so calming and motivating at the same time. Thank you!!
Is there any way to get the piano sheets for this or other songs of yours? I would be highly interested!
Looking forward to your reply 🙂
Wonderfull! Good Mix, beautifulsounds, nice theme. Perefect!!