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'I Walk With Ghosts' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.
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This track was supported by generous Patreons:
Ãlvaro Gracia Montoya, Achim Lammers, Adhi Hargo, Alexander McHardy, Amman Abid, Amy Won, Benoit Arbelot, CactusPuppy, Caleb Levesque, CBH Podcast, Claudio Osorio, Coraille en Voyage, Cubicle Dexter, Dan G, Dauneen Shea Durrant, Dave Epstein, Fallen, Fernando Blazquez Aguado, Frederic Eger, Geoffrey Cranenburgh, Gilles, Harith Alshuwaykh, Haydar, Isa Cienfuegos, Ismael Sola Unzu, Jan Vetulani, Jaroslav Bengl, Jeff Hellerman, Jeffrey Scott Longmore, Jens Braun, Jesus Abancens Tejero, Joel Svensson, John le Bon, John Martinous, Jonathan West, Joseph Bailey, Joy Vernon, JulienD, Justin Hawley, Kaj Suominen, Keith Walker, Kennith Nichol, Klaas Victor, KyleLeRiche, Leslie Gideon, Longhauler, Lou Marich, LPR Presents, Михаил Дудин, Mares Darski, Marina Dragun, Mark Templeton, Matt Cowart, Matthew Moran, Matthias Weiss, Michael Schaffeld, MoonRayn, Morten Clausen, N9 Gaming, Nic Higham, nokola, Olek Petro, Oliver Beckert, Orkenspalter TV, Patrick McGrath, Pierre, proxcent, Rachel McIntyre, Rob Tran, Robbo Stew, Robert Hall, Roman Herasymenko, Ron F., Rony Fgl, Sam Moore, Scott McCallum, Sisk S’jet, Stephen W Jenks, Stewart Roberts, Tameem Al-Talabani, Postandfly, The Popcast, Tim McGhee, Todd D’Arcy, Tommy Zamberlan, Tough Soles, Vaggelis Papantoniu, Vinicius Watzl, Wayne Huang, and Yolanda Torres.
And also thanks to my gang of Twitch subscribers:
alecmaire, alleya, allistairmitchell, audio_titan, badgey, bobbystmute, cactus_puppy, chiffmonkey, chrischronos, cruisingthewaterways, danedrop, effane, ezra_nabali, horseradish_power, human_usb, jannickdamkvist, jvetulani, kennithnichol, le_paul_, linnepin, luckymusic, mandythephilomath, maxmaiermusic, monolithicfishx, nano_desuu, nunohflores, octopus_prime, pcvprod, proxcent, saltysaintman, scott91e1, seraphimzero, thenricus, thepinar, tom_pret, trumpetofdeath, vetlive, and wade_smith. Thanks for watching! |
Love it… so so deep and touching…
It’s one of those magical pieces of music that doesn’t allow you to listen without feeling anything. I could sense my body react to each tension rise and drop. I can listen to this a hundred more times and still crave for more. Just wonderful.
Breathtakingly beautiful! I love this!
As always a wonderful musical creation. Congratulations.
Oh my god, I love your other stuff but this is incredible. I’m almost crying and I have no idea why!!!!! So incredibly evocative. Thanks so much for doing this Scott, I can’t wait to find an excuse to use this!
Perfect music congratulations great sound as always my dear
Musica meravigliosa che trascina chi l’ascolta in una dimensione onirica. Bravissimo!!!!
Used this for a reading with Yogananda. Fits so well
Love means craving for God | Paramahansa Yogananda
Emocional e íntima. Buena para sentir lo que es fútil, pasajero pero realmente humano
Majorly haunting piece.
Beautiful! Thanks for this
Bravo amazing beautiful track you are perfect Scott Buckley
Timeline of the Earth: From its Formation to Destruction… 🙂
Wow! This music is fantastic, mystical and brilliant!
REALLY beautiful! Thank you!
Müthiş Bir Parça
Great awesome music
you are amazing, I am really touched by this piece, you can see a visual of it on Cozy Soundscapes youtube channel maybe tomorrow.
Wish you have a great holidays and a new year.
i could dead in piece with this super natural & soulfull music
Wow. I’m going to use this as my introduction to my presentation at the Port Gamble Ghost Conference this year, and heck yeah, I’m going to credit your work to the moon and back. I’m putting together a small video to share with the crowd, and thank you Scott, from the bottom of my heart and my wallet. I don’t have a dime to spare, and you’ve made my life brighter, better and more with your generosity.
Hi, do you have any sheet music? I have been playing violin for 9 years as a hobby but was trying to find something to practice. I like your work and am constantly inspired to try new music.
Thank you. If not, that is fine. I will try to figure it out on my own.
I really really want to thank you for going against the norm and giving us a moment to share in your ability to crete incredable music