An emotional, nostalgic track for string orchestra & synth – slightly uplifting, with a dash of melancholy.
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MP3 (Full Mix) Alternative Mixes: None. |
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Some of the most beautiful Music I have ever heard. thank you so much for what you share with us.
I’ll show you the result!
PD: es el principio de una gran relación. un placer haber dado contigo.
your music can really touch the emotion deeply to make people cry and lift the hearts at the same time somehow , thank you
Inacreditável!!! que fantástico!!!!
Your music is exciting, it makes you cry, it is simply spectacular.
Thanks for these Inspirational melodies, you should make a compilation and put “THERE WAS A TIME” as the main one.
I carry it in my car and people congratulate me on the music and it’s thanks to you.
Your music is exciting, it makes you cry, it is simply magnific.
Thanks for these Inspirational melodies, you should make a compilation and put “THERE WAS A TIME” as the main one.
I carry it in my car and people congratulate me on the music and it’s thanks to you.