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For YouTube videos, credits must appear in the video description. If you don’t, you will likely get a copyright claim from me. To have claims removed, follow these quick instructions.
Attribution format:
'This Too Shall Pass' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au
Can’t provide attribution? You’ll need to purchase a license. Explore license types, and make a request here: Licensing this music
This track was supported by generous Patreons:
Ãlvaro Gracia Montoya, Achim Lammers, Adhi Hargo, Alexander McHardy, Amman Abid, Amy Won, Andrew Venus, Calder Blake, Caleb Levesque, Chiffmonkey, Coraille en Voyage, C S Williams, Cubicle Dexter, Dave Epstein, Fallen, Fernando Blazquez Aguado, FreakishlyKing, Gilles, Harith Alshuwaykh, Ismael Sola Unzu, Jaroslav Bengl, Jasiek Vetulani, Jesus Abancens Tejero, Joel Svensson, John le Bon, John Martinous, Jonathan West, Joseph Bailey, Julia Poturay, JulienD, Justin Hawley, Kaj Suominen, Keith Walker, Kennith Nichol, Leslie Gideon, Longhauler, Lou Marich, LPR Presents, Marina Dragun, Mark Diaz, Mark Templeton, Matt Cowart, Matthew Moran, Morten Clausen, N9 Gaming, Newhorizon New, Nic Higham, nokola, Olek Petro, Oliver Beckert, Orkenspalter TV, Patrek Gill, Patrick McGrath, Pierre, proxcent, Rob Tran, Robbo Stew, Robert Hall, Roman Herasymenko, Rony Fgl, Sam Moore, Sisk S’jet, Stephen W Jenks, Stewart Roberts, Postandfly, The Popcast, Tim McGhee, Todd D’Arcy, Tommy Zamberlan, Tough Soles, Vaggelis Papantoniu, Yolanda Torres…and this month’s new patrons: Benoit Arbelot, Chad Kushner, Geoffrey Cranenburgh, Michael Shaffeld, Scott McCallum and Vinicius Watzl.
And also thanks to my gang of Twitch subscribers:
alleya, beefalol, chiffmonkey, cruisingthewaterways, daneraw, effane, gstjarna, gusto_, horseradish_power, jvetulani, kennithnichol, le_paul_, monolithicfishx, mandythephilomath, nunohflores, pcvprod, proxcent, samtheman11414, scott91e1, spectemus and waydgaming. Thanks for watching! |
Wow! So beautiful and inspiring! Love it! What a great way to start the new year!
This is a beautiful piece mate. Going in my To Use list for my machinimas. This fits in very well with the theme. Keep up the great work and happy New Year and keep safe during this pandemic 🙂
Bonjour Scott,
Encore une belle composition toute en inspiration pour cette nouvelle année.
Thank You .God Bless
Love it! Beautiful sound. You got me feeling in my mind of putting together something, using this.
it’s sow beautifull! Im almost crying…
Thank you Scott!
with great love and respect from Russia
Wow! This is simply amazing! If only I could illustrate the powerful images this songs gives me. It literally puts me in a different frame of mind.
You have an amazing gift Scott Buckley, your music alone is a movement.
Excellent music.Beautiful sound.
Adolf from Argentina
Very inspiring!!!
Thank you Scott for your Awesome work and generosity!!!
I will becoming a Patreons supporter for rare folks like Scott Buckley, who shares his gift so unselfishly!!!
I have goose-flesh…
greetings from Poland
Hello! Im gonna use this track… For a rivers video im making… Once i hace the chance, i want you yo know im gonna give a contribution, sorry yet not un possibilities, but tour music is not just, is about Magic! Ty so much
Wow, Just wow. I don’t know if youre music is in movies.. but it definitely should be! great music, and thank you for making it free to download.
Amazing Transcedences ! Great Artist Scott Buckley , for me Top one ! Be blessed !
I spent hours trying to piece this masterpiece after hearing it in one of the videos on youtube. i finally found it. this is beautiful. simply beautiful
Aww thanks! Glad you found it. 😀
What a pleasure to listen to your music in the cool, during this heat wave. Thank you Scott for your work and for sharing your works.
With the loss of my son just 16 days ago, this melody brings me to tears as it completely touches my heart. Awesome 👏🏾
uffff que maravilla me encanta me gustaria utilizarla en uno de mis videos no se como solicitarla
Es una hermosa música, profunda e inspiradora.
Very moving.. Thank you deeply for this piece of Art, Scott..
OMG this is so beautiful
Hi Scott! I use this beataul inspring song to video in YouTube channel and I got copyrights claim under name of Tavorians Garris L. R. Coleman.
Hi! That’s not cool – could you provide a link to the video that was affected? Perhaps you can email me via the webform here: https://www.scottbuckley.com.au/about/contact/
Amazing Transcendences! Great Artist Scott Buckley!!
Hi dear Scott
Does the song being free mean I can monetize my YouTube videos?
I am sensitive to this issue, please advise.
Dear Scott… I loved the song and its so inspiring!!