Tagged: scott buckley

New Library Track: ‘Call To Adventure’

An orchestral homage to (what I believe) is the golden age of Hollywood – the 80s! An adventurous hero’s theme, with a sweeping soft ‘B’ theme from 1:21 – building up to a thematic finale at 2:17. Takes elements from all my favourite film composers – John Williams, Alan Silvestri, James Horner, and many others. Thanks for the childhood!


New Library Track: ‘First Snow’

A calm, gentle hymn for piano, strings and clarinet. Builds up to a heart-warming, uplifting backend from 2:00. Here’s to an equally calm holiday season! Merry Christmas, folks!🎄


New Library Track: ‘Artemis’

A musical love-letter to NASA’s Artemis missions, and their hopeful promise of bringing space exploration to a new generation. It begins slowly with synths and strings, but building to a bold backend with brass. Also features effected recordings from the crew of the Apollo 11 mission.
